
Re: [Experimentierwiese] BRouter - Karten selbst bauen

Geschrieben von abrensch (Gast) am 16. April 2015 08:18:50: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: [Experimentierwiese] BRouter - Karten selbst bauen geschrieben von couchmapper (Gast) am 13. Juli 2014 11:28:

emes wrote:

I use latest brouter from github and osmosis-0.43.1-1. The org.openstreetmap.osmosis.osmbinary.Fileformat.BlobHeader class seems to be in the right place. There it is in the source, as well as in the .jar file (Fileformat$BlobHeader.class).

The "right" place is in the class-path, and you did not specify a classpath at all. See https://github.com/abrensch/brouter/blo … README.txt for some hints.