
Re: Mappinghilfe in Brasilien

Geschrieben von bilderhobbit (Gast) am 22. Oktober 2013 09:20:44: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Mappinghilfe in Brasilien geschrieben von nesol (Gast) am 25. September 2013 19:24:

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe mal Fernando Trebien angeschrieben und meine aktivitäten angekündigt.
Er ist froh über jede Hilfe.

Hier seine Mail.

Es sind noch hilfreiche Tips drin.

Hello Michael,

I'm very glad there's foreign help coming, you are very welcome.

Fortunately, my area was not affected by Eduardo's edits. I think your efforts are best spent in the area you're currently focused in (about 1000km away from where I map), there's almost nobody mapping over there. Here in Porto Alegre (note: "Pouso Alegre" is a different city) I think I managed to engage about 5 users to contribute at least once a week. I've organized the process thoroughly (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Wik … gre/Status), so if there are more foreigners coming I may well translate it into English to make it more accessible. There's a slightly outdated version in English: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Wor … uggestions

There may be more reverts soon: the community currently supports reverting all Moovit edits and any imports of TrackSource data, both traced over Google Imagery. Moovit has made a few edits in the past few months, but TrackSource is harder to track. We've recently found some of their data imported 5 years ago, way before anyone was concerned about legal matters here.

If you are just getting started in Brazil, the most striking difference to the German methodology is classification of roads. Some months ago, I managed to push the community into standardising a method for that. It is intended to be objetive and produce correct results 95%. For the rest, results are almost correct but you may make a more arbitrary decision as long as you explain your reasoning in the tag "note". I believe this prevents most edit wars and allows people to focus on more important mappings.

Here's the decision flow in English: http://i.imgur.com/YH8azIA.png

And the same one in German: http://i.imgur.com/CuZcyRC.png

And here's the MT/BIT map (in Portuguese) that is referenced in the flowchart: http://www2.transportes.gov.br/bit/01-i … index.html

Note that the section "Rise by Priority" is currently under discussion. The community didn't like very much the density of tertiaries that the algorithm produced in Porto Alegre, but they liked some preliminary results of a new algorithm I just proposed, so this may get updated very soon (I hope).

I've also been working on a reference. It is in Portuguese but it is structured around translations and their nuances, so it may be useful to you at some point: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Wik … %C3%AAncia

I think that's a lot just to start. Let me know if you have any doubts about that. And enjoy your mapping! Regards,


Ich habe ihn ermutigt sich hier im Forum zu beteiligen und noch ein paar links von Pascal´s Tools und der WHO DID IT-Seite gesendet.
